This week in large animal science we focused on genetics! I finally was able to use the foldable that I received in NAAE back in late November! I quickly realized that this activity took a lot more time than expected, never overestimate students cutting and taping abilities. One thing I would change if I were to do this activity is to have step-by-step instructions with pictures to help build the foldable. I thought if I had directions on the board and me walking around with a sample would be enough, but students still struggled.
At first, I was a little nervous to include foldable into the lesson but I haven't done them before and wasn't quite sure on how to introduce them. But I am glad I do! Overall, the students really liked them! It was a nice break from guided notes and gave students an interactive way to receive information!
With the last remaining weeks, I want to challenge myself even further on introducing new activities into the classroom! Foldable was a good risk! So I am looking forward to seeing what other risks I can take to increase student learning! If anyone has some cool and interactive lessons I could use send them my way!
Every day should be a new opportunity to try one new thing!