Thursday, December 6, 2018

Life Knowledge Day

On November 19th I had my life knowledge lesson at Pequea Valley High School! I taught the 2nd-period Food Science Class on discovering the world of agriculture. This lesson helped students learn the important role agriculture plays around the world. 

For the most part, the class was well behaved, besides some minor issue of talking with friends and staying on task. It was easy for students to talk to friends because they were in groups, but one way I used to solve that was using proximity with them. That seemed to work well. I would also ask them why they would draw something and have them expand their idea this helped with staying on track. 

The structure of the lesson was pretty simple. The original lesson plan was kind of boring, so I adapted the plan and made it more centered around Food Science because that's what they were learning. 

Overall, the lesson went well! Areas that I would approve is being more clear with instructions some moments students were confused, so it took up time to go over instructions again. I think this was a great experience for me to build up my confidence with students and leading a class!

1 comment:

  1. Manny, I really like how you tailored the LifeKnowledge lesson to suit the needs of your students and to make it fit into the content of the course you were teaching. Proximity is such a great way to help keep students on track and engaging with you and the material they are working with instead of your friends. Glad it worked for you!
